Becoming a Period Positive Workplace is good for business.

Women represent nearly half of the global labor market. Supportive workplaces that help manage menstrual needs can boost wellbeing and productivity. 

Period Positive Workplaces can help overcome the stigma and challenges faced by people who menstruate. Existing research shows that inadequate menstrual health conditions in the workplace have serious implications for women, including wage loss, absenteeism, presenteeism, and limited physical mobility.

Similar to a spontaneous bloody nose, menstruation is an involuntary physical occurrence that disrupts productivity if unmanaged.

As more organizations become involved in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) matters, addressing basic menstrual needs is one way organizations can invest in gender equality and build inclusive spaces. Becoming Period Positive empowers organizations to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Removing the disadvantage caused by insufficient period supplies provides valuable support to employees who menstruate. Women who have access to period products at work report they are better able to focus, more likely to contribute in teams, and more welcome in the workplace.

Explore our Research Index below to learn more about menstrual equity.

The Economic benefits of accommodating menstruation:

  1. Workplaces that provide period products report reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, and higher collaboration from employees who menstruate.

  2. Growing research shows that inclusive policies improve company retention and performance, as well as foster appreciation and commitment from employees.

  3. Companies that provide menstrual leave see an increase in attraction, retention, and productivity.

  4. Global studies show companies that invest in menstrual health management see benefits worth more than double the cost because of decreased absenteeism and higher retention.

  5. We see an improvement in productivity/performance and/or revenue in workplaces that prioritize menstrual health.

  6. Organizations document an increase in women and youth workers employed and retained when offering menstrual health management options.

  7. There is a higher proportion among people who menstruate who are satisfied with their ability to meet their menstrual needs while at their current job.

The Cost of Uncared for Menstruation:

  1. Among women in the US who start their period unexpectedly at work, 96% leave work for period products.

  2. Inadequate menstrual health conditions in the workplace lead to wage loss, absenteeism, and limited physical mobility.

  3. Around 4 out of 10 people who menstruate have called in sick due to periods.

  4. Over 80% of women experience presenteeism (a loss of productivity while at work) for multiple days each cycle.

  5. Global research shows that, on average, women lose 9 days of work/year due to menstruation.

  6. Workplaces that do not accommodate menstrual health needs document that a proportion of women reported a reduction in lost earnings or decreased pay in the past year due to their menstruation.

Additional benefits of becoming a certified Period Positive Workplace:

Each certified workplace receives a Period Positive Package with digital assets, communications to share with your communities, and other perks. The Period Positive Partner Package includes:

  • Digital Period Positive Workplace badge

  • Exclusive access to the 30-minute Gender Equality and Menstrual Health webinar

  • Social media toolkit

  • Email templates to announce Period Positive Workplace certification

  • Sample blog post or newsletter article

  • Printable signage for workplace restrooms

  • Sample press release

  • Access to educational material

  • Recognition on our website (optional)

  • Features on Period Positive Workplace social media (optional)